Vale TV

Vale TV (Valores Educativos Televisión) (formerly a public-owned educational channel in Venezuela called Televisora Nacional) is a television channel run by Asociación Civil, a non-profit association owned by the Roman Catholic Archbishopric of Caracas (Arzobispado de Caracas), supported by the leading private television networks Radio Caracas Televisión, Venevisión, and Televen along with other public and private institutions. Created on December 4, 1998, it was founded on the principle of strengthening Venezuelan morality and cultural and educational awareness.
Vale TV's slogan is "El Mundo en un solo canal". It is seen on channel 5 in Caracas and channels 52, 10, 3, and 114 on Supercable, Intercable, Net Uno, and DirecTV, respectively. With DirecTV, it can be seen in all of Venezuela.