Sama TV
Sama TV (Arabic: قناة سما الفضائية, lit. 'Sky') is a television station based in Damascus, Syria since September 7, 2012. Sama TV is a sister channel of defunct Addounia TV.
Sama TV's current presenters includes:
News anchors: Nizar Al-Farra (نزار الفرا), Hanaa Al-Saleh (هناء الصالح), Ruaa Saker (رؤى صقر) and
Other anchors: Rana Koueter (رنا كويتر), Makhlouf Naama (مخلوف الناعمة),.
Correspondents which are making also reports for Addounia TV: Ahmad al-Aaqel (أحمد العاقل), Kinda al-Khidr (كندة الخضر), Ata Farhat (عطا فرحات), Kinana Allouche (كنانة علوش).
... Social media team : Anas othman(أنس عثمان), Firass Haider (فراس حيدر).