imn General
imn General,Al Iraqiya General,Al Iraqiya(Arabic:العراقيّة al-ʿIrāqiyyä) is a satellite andterrestrialpublic broadcasterandtelevision networkinIraqthat was set up after the fall ofSaddam Hussein. It is anArabic languagenetwork that serves upwards of 85% ofIraq's population, and is viewed by a significant percentage (about 40%).
The channel began under the name IMN as part of the Iraqi Media Network (or Shabeket al-Elam Iraqi in Arabic) project undertaken. TheScience Applications International Corporation(SAIC) was the contractor for this Defense Department project.
Included in the programming is the very aggressive Political Actuality program “Burning Issues” that tackles the very sensitive subject of terrorism in Iraq, hosting both the victims and the arrested/convicted perpetrators.
Harris Corporationtook over the project from SAIC and completed—on time and in budget—two TV channels, a national newspaper, and radio stations.