RTV Indonesian
Rajawali Televisi (RTV, stylized as rtv) is a commercial television network in Indonesia, owned by Rajawali Corpora and Mayapada. RTV is currently segmented as "family television", licensed via the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission, and its frequency is coordinated through the Department of Transportation. RTV officially aired for the first time on November 1, 2009, in Jakarta as B Channel. With its airtime starting at 3:30 am, RTV's current programs focus on entertainment, soft news, and a variety of family shows. B Channel changed its name to RTV with the launch of Langit Rajawali on May 3, 2014.
In 2016, Mayapada acquired 20% stake in RTV ownership from Rajawali Corpora. Mayapada later acquired another television network INTV (formerly Banten TV), which in 2019 relaunched as MYTV.